Our Pledge

We pledge, from this day forward to live a life in the Grace of God and the strength of God, trusting God more than we trust our abilities.

We pledge now to change circumstances, situations that we encounter. We will release our authority and as children of the Most High God, never again will we be dominated by those things that we’ve been anointed and graced to dominate.

We declare this now that our God causes victory in our lives all the time, every day in every way, and from this day forward we sense, walk in and experience victory all the time because we are not moved by what we see, by what we feel, by what we hear. This day we pledge that we will only be moved by the Word of the Living God, so help us God.

- Pastor Creflo Dollar

Why Choose Us?

World Changers Bible School acknowledges that The Bible is the Word of God revealing Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. He came to this earth as our Bread of Life, our Shepherd, our Lord and Savior, leading and guiding us into all truth and grace. John 1:16-17

Welcome to WCBS

The value of WCBS education will effectively prepare the believer to impact any environment critical to the advancement of God's people. According to 2 Timothy 2:15, it is our aim that every student study to show himself or herself approved unto God, rightly dividing the truth.

Learning Environment

World Changers Bible School offers a wide range of courses taught live in classroom and through the convenience of distance learning. Online programs are designed to fit into the busy schedules of working students.

Our Goal

Our goal is to create a confident brand of Christian disciple that is equipped and prepared to competently operate in all areas of ministry, including the five-fold ministry gifts, administration, operations, servanthood, and discipleship.


Popular Courses

How to Read and Interpret the Bible

This course is designed to teach the students the importance of understanding how to read and interpret the Scriptures properly.

Positively Identified

This course will resolve the identity issue in the believers life once and for all. Right believing always precedes right living. The church has got to to begin to believe correctly about who they are.

A Better Way to Pray

After nearly four decades of ministry, Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than it was thirty years ago and the results have dramatically improved!

Total Life Prosperity

This course is designed to help students understand that God’s plan of prosperity for Christians far exceeds financial gain. God's desire is for us to experience His blessings in every area of our lives.

Hearing from God

This course is a thorough examination of How To Hear From God . This class serves as an opportunity to learn the value of hearing from God, practical steps t hear from God get hands-on experience as a missionary. At the end of this class, you will have the framework necessary to consistently Hear from God.


This course is designed to provide a biblical and contemporary understanding of the influence of servanthood and the believer’s transformation into a leader. The students will be challenged to bring their lives into growing submission to and in alignment with the faultless Servant Leader, Jesus.


This course is a study and thorough examination of the importance of discipleship, based on the model of Jesus and the early church. It will introduce the foundational principles necessary to live a spiritual life and to embrace the concept of discipleship.

Transformational Leadership

In this course students will be taught how the transformational leadership model evolved from other leadership models and theories. Historical and current transformational leaders and their behaviors are examined, along with their effects on their followers and on society.

World Changers Bible School has met requirements for exemption from applicable Georgia law as a religious institution.