About Us

World Changers Bible School was founded in March 2011 by Dr. Creflo A. Dollar under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Core values emphasizing basic Biblical truths, respect for unity amidst diversity, passion for reaching the lost, social concerns, lifestyles which honor Christ, the importance of the family, esteem for others and concern for Christians around the world characterize Dr. Dollar’s and Pastor Taffi’s vision. Their desire is to create a Bible school that will equip students with both the knowledge of God’s Word and the skills to powerfully proclaim disciples around the world.

World Changers Bible School aspires to be distinctive among the Bible schools in the US, as well as internationally, with comparable breadth and depth, and deserved reputation for its commitment to excellence and educating men and women on a practical level to operate in any area of ministry, both five-fold and gifts of administration and organization. Because there is only one God and one Christ, there is only one truth. This truth is the center and criterion of World Changers Bible School‘s Christian education. While the Bible is not used as the textbook, it is the foundational handbook for every course and the standard for teaching. As the foundational book, Scripture is the only infallible rule for faith and practice, for Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Science. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can make Christian education effective. For the instructor, to impact wisdom is a gift from God. For the student’s heart to be opened to God’s truth, a change of heart is required.

We will accept nothing less than to stand among the recognized best Bible schools for teaching, service to society, leadership and ministry. Our goals reflect our ambitions, and we seek and appreciate the guidance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. "In all your getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7

Our Mission

World Changers Bible School is a distinguished Christian school of excellence that is dedicated to providing an effective, quality Biblical education to its students with simplicity and understanding. WCBS is committed to preparing leaders on a practical level to operate in all areas of ministry, including five-fold and gifts of administration and organization. It is our aim that every student “Study to show thyself approved unto God, as a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

Our Vision

We will equip students with both the knowledge of God’s Word and the skills to powerfully proclaim it as disciples around the world.